We are building a team of dedicated scientists and engineers to tackle national security problem sets with purpose and speed. Join us!

Core Capabilities
Integer's high-performance research teams give our customers the technological edge in critical areas such as the electrification of military platforms, intelligent and reliable unmanned systems, digital engineering, and advanced manufacturing technologies. We aim to transform how these systems are designed and built to support the fielding of urgently needed capabilities.
Power & Energy Systems
Compact, effective, intelligent, and efficient electrical power and energy systems for demanding applications.
Digital Engineering
Computational physics, artificial intelligence, and data analytics converge to accelerate the design and operation of engineered systems.
Unmanned Systems
Bringing a new level of reliability to perception systems in maritime environments, enabling the next generation of unmanned and intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions at sea.
Advanced Manufacturing
Novel sensing, control, and industrial internet solutions to increase the throughput, resiliency and quality of composites and advanced manufacturing processes.

Driven to innovate.
Integer Technologies is an applied technology research and product development company founded by scientists and engineers with a passion for defining the future of technology. We perform R&D on intelligent systems and technologies, primarily for the U.S. government. We are hardware and software developers with experience turning research into impactful products for military and commercial applications.